1. Overview of Course Intent
Aim of this course
The aim of this course is to be a face to face seminar where it gives us the students in some usable concepts, philosophies, practical formulas, learn a new software to be able to progress through a design project in the fluid power industry. A networking platform to discuss ideas.
This course will give a practical foundation in analyzing a typical hydraulic system which should cover over 80% of everyday applications found in industry. At the end the reader should have a basic understanding of what is required in a hydraulic system and be able to ask relevant questions and be able to investigate further if more details are required. The target audience for this course is for a graduate (USQ) engineer to gain further insights into understanding how a hydraulic system is created and then simulated to estimate the results.
I estimate if the course is completed as a face to face teaching it will allow an engineer to claim up to 4 hours of continual professional development (CPD) hours for the requirements of Institute of Engineers Australia.
Requirements for this course: 4 hours of face to face training and download or have access to FluidSim 5 Software ( Festo offers a 30 day trial).
2. Concepts
The interface of systems
Hydraulic systems form part of some machine as a activating substructure or as the primary control system so it is advantageous to examine the relationship between the mechanical nature (what the machine needs to do) and the interfacing of the driving system of the hydraulics (what the system can do).
A machine can be defined as a physical system whose primary objective is to transfer and convert energy into useful work. A machine can utilise a number of systems to reduce labour content such as electrical, hydraulic or pneumatics or a combination of all three.
A machine comprising of a power system and control system. Both systems need to interact optimally with each other as many failed designs have the deisgner only focusing on the mechanical elements or focusing on the hydrualic desgin with only after thoughts of the interface. This would lead to poor machine performance and worse yet not fit for service. The ideal place is to initially understand what the machine needs to do bad convert those factors into a quantifable values, using the values then only a hydraulic system should be created.
Aim of this course
The aim of this course is to be a face to face seminar where it gives us the students in some usable concepts, philosophies, practical formulas, learn a new software to be able to progress through a design project in the fluid power industry. A networking platform to discuss ideas.
This course will give a practical foundation in analyzing a typical hydraulic system which should cover over 80% of everyday applications found in industry. At the end the reader should have a basic understanding of what is required in a hydraulic system and be able to ask relevant questions and be able to investigate further if more details are required. The target audience for this course is for a graduate (USQ) engineer to gain further insights into understanding how a hydraulic system is created and then simulated to estimate the results.
I estimate if the course is completed as a face to face teaching it will allow an engineer to claim up to 4 hours of continual professional development (CPD) hours for the requirements of Institute of Engineers Australia.
Requirements for this course: 4 hours of face to face training and download or have access to FluidSim 5 Software ( Festo offers a 30 day trial).
2. Concepts
The interface of systems
Hydraulic systems form part of some machine as a activating substructure or as the primary control system so it is advantageous to examine the relationship between the mechanical nature (what the machine needs to do) and the interfacing of the driving system of the hydraulics (what the system can do).
A machine can be defined as a physical system whose primary objective is to transfer and convert energy into useful work. A machine can utilise a number of systems to reduce labour content such as electrical, hydraulic or pneumatics or a combination of all three.
A machine comprising of a power system and control system. Both systems need to interact optimally with each other as many failed designs have the deisgner only focusing on the mechanical elements or focusing on the hydrualic desgin with only after thoughts of the interface. This would lead to poor machine performance and worse yet not fit for service. The ideal place is to initially understand what the machine needs to do bad convert those factors into a quantifable values, using the values then only a hydraulic system should be created.
2. Concepts
The interface of systems
Hydraulic systems form part of some machine as a activating substructure or as the primary control system so it is advantageous to examine the relationship between the mechanical nature (what the machine needs to do) and the interfacing of the driving system of the hydraulics (what the system can do).
A machine can be defined as a physical system whose primary objective is to transfer and convert energy into useful work. A machine can utilise a number of systems to reduce labour content such as electrical, hydraulic or pneumatics or a combination of all three.
A machine comprising of a power system and control system. Both systems need to interact optimally with each other as many failed designs have the deisgner only focusing on the mechanical elements or focusing on the hydrualic desgin with only after thoughts of the interface. This would lead to poor machine performance and worse yet not fit for service. The ideal place is to initially understand what the machine needs to do bad convert those factors into a quantifable values, using the values then only a hydraulic system should be created.
The interface of systems
Hydraulic systems form part of some machine as a activating substructure or as the primary control system so it is advantageous to examine the relationship between the mechanical nature (what the machine needs to do) and the interfacing of the driving system of the hydraulics (what the system can do).
A machine can be defined as a physical system whose primary objective is to transfer and convert energy into useful work. A machine can utilise a number of systems to reduce labour content such as electrical, hydraulic or pneumatics or a combination of all three.
A machine comprising of a power system and control system. Both systems need to interact optimally with each other as many failed designs have the deisgner only focusing on the mechanical elements or focusing on the hydrualic desgin with only after thoughts of the interface. This would lead to poor machine performance and worse yet not fit for service. The ideal place is to initially understand what the machine needs to do bad convert those factors into a quantifable values, using the values then only a hydraulic system should be created.
3. The Design Flow Process
Follow this flow process as a generic way of stepping through a design project we will use this to follow the hydraulic design of forging manipulator.
Ask about the machine's function and nature:
Follow this flow process as a generic way of stepping through a design project we will use this to follow the hydraulic design of forging manipulator.
Ask about the machine's function and nature:
- What is the machine meant to do (try to understand the function, how an operator might use it)
- What is the required precison or accuracy (over 80% of industry systems are 'rough' but at times high precison and repeatable systems are required and if that's the case an indepth analysis is needed to meet requirents)
- The environment it is intended to work in (temperature, is it outside or inside, any restrictions)
- Any applicable standards or regulations that need to be adhere to ( if none maybe consider applying your own standards, in a later section I list some of those standards).
- A safe design needs to be carried out: you will need to consider the design for safe function, installation, commissioning, maintenance, de-commissioning for the life cycle of the machine or power unit.
Machine Specification
Determine the mechanical load profile
Preliminary System Design
Calculate preliminary mechanical data
Determine the mechanical load profile
- Is there a machine specification (if there isn't one assume parameters and document these as a basis of design)
Preliminary System Design
Calculate preliminary mechanical data
- Calculate the mechanical data needed to size major components ( predominately it will be forces and speeds for linear cylinders and torques and rpm for rotary actuators like motors)
- Initialy select some major components ( these could change depending on availabilty and physical sizes)
- Sketch a circuit of major components (types of prime mover, pumps, valves, acuators, filters coolers)
4. Machine Operation
Expected functionality
( This could be a formally written contract and specification or a have a chat with the owner or operator and ask questions).
The drawing below represents a forging manipulator and requires a electrohydraulic power system to be designed to meet the performacne specification detailed below. The manipulator will load hot steel billets which load directly into the press jaws. Four steel ( only 2 are driving) wheels running on a steel rail allows traversing to and from the jaws. The billet will need to be rotated, side shifted raise and lowered. The time to drive in anytime up to 30 seconds, then it will sit throug a cycle for about 1 minute and manipulate the billet then drive out in 30 seconds. It is a hazardous envirnoment so if oil spills there is a danger of fire. We will need temperature alarms, oil level warnings and over pressure sensors. The only requirement of steering is driving straight in and out. Braking can be down through the hydostatic drive and only a parking brake/failsafe is required.
Expected functionality
( This could be a formally written contract and specification or a have a chat with the owner or operator and ask questions).
The drawing below represents a forging manipulator and requires a electrohydraulic power system to be designed to meet the performacne specification detailed below. The manipulator will load hot steel billets which load directly into the press jaws. Four steel ( only 2 are driving) wheels running on a steel rail allows traversing to and from the jaws. The billet will need to be rotated, side shifted raise and lowered. The time to drive in anytime up to 30 seconds, then it will sit throug a cycle for about 1 minute and manipulate the billet then drive out in 30 seconds. It is a hazardous envirnoment so if oil spills there is a danger of fire. We will need temperature alarms, oil level warnings and over pressure sensors. The only requirement of steering is driving straight in and out. Braking can be down through the hydostatic drive and only a parking brake/failsafe is required.
5. Machine Specification
Identify performance criteria
There are normally some parameters where you will get from the machine designer or if none available you will need to make an estimate)
Billet Dimensions: Dia 330 mm x 4000 mm long
Billet Mass: 10 tonne
Billet rotation increments: 180 degrees @ 15 degree increements
Machine Tare Mass: 58 tonne (where mass passing through CM1 =50t and CM2 = 8t)
Rotation acceleration : 12 rad /sec2
Coefficient of friction (planishing) 0.44
Coefficient of friction (clamping): 0.3
Clamp cylinder stroke length: 65mm
Vehicle maximum speed 1.53 m/min
Wheel Diameter: 150 mm
Ambient temperature: 35 degrees C
Maximum oil temperature: 70 degreed C
Machine Duty: 5-8 times per day/ 6 days per week
The hydraulic system should feature:
shockless and smooth actuator control
load holding
adjustable speed controls on all motions
leak free
hose burst protection
off-lin filtration
oil cooling
oil suitable for a flamable environment
Identify performance criteria
There are normally some parameters where you will get from the machine designer or if none available you will need to make an estimate)
Billet Dimensions: Dia 330 mm x 4000 mm long
Billet Mass: 10 tonne
Billet rotation increments: 180 degrees @ 15 degree increements
Machine Tare Mass: 58 tonne (where mass passing through CM1 =50t and CM2 = 8t)
Rotation acceleration : 12 rad /sec2
Coefficient of friction (planishing) 0.44
Coefficient of friction (clamping): 0.3
Clamp cylinder stroke length: 65mm
Vehicle maximum speed 1.53 m/min
Wheel Diameter: 150 mm
Ambient temperature: 35 degrees C
Maximum oil temperature: 70 degreed C
Machine Duty: 5-8 times per day/ 6 days per week
The hydraulic system should feature:
shockless and smooth actuator control
load holding
adjustable speed controls on all motions
leak free
hose burst protection
off-lin filtration
oil cooling
oil suitable for a flamable environment
1. Determine the torque requirement (T1) to accelerate the rotation of the billet and also the requirement (T2) to rotate billet over die surface therfore total rotating torque = T1+T2
Assume a round billet where the outside diameter =330 mm , mass = 10 t, friction =0.44
Find T1:
1. Determine the torque requirement (T1) to accelerate the rotation of the billet and also the requirement (T2) to rotate billet over die surface therfore total rotating torque = T1+T2
Assume a round billet where the outside diameter =330 mm , mass = 10 t, friction =0.44
Find T1: